Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules
Well, what to say? Have a look!
Well, what to say? Have a look!
Storia di un pessimo servizio, storia di un ottimo servizio.
Quattro giorni dopo essere arrivato a Belfast, sia il portatile che il tablet smettono di ricaricarsi, a quattro ore di distanza l’uno dall’altro, di Sabato.
Corro verso il centro, chiedendo a Massimo Manganaro di cercare su Google un riparatore. Ne trova uno a 100 metri da dove sono io, in pieno centro, Pottinger Entry. Entro, lascio il portatile e corro a cercare un telefono (il tablet faceva da telefono).
Troppo tardi, alle 17:30 qui inizia a desertificarsi. Con la poca batteria che rimane avviso chi di dovere, ciao mamma eh, che per quella sera non sarò raggiungibile.
La Domenica, rigorosamente di pomeriggio che qui la mattina non si muove una foglia, vado da Argos e prendo un Moto G seconda generazione. Torno a casa, configuro tutto e torno online.
Nelle 2 settimane seguenti passo ogni tanto dal negozio per sapere che ne è del portatile.
“Lo apro domani”.
“Ho ordinato il pezzo”
“Non arriva il pezzo”
“Tiro via il pezzo da un altro computer, passa domani”
Fino ad arrivare a oggi, 16 giorni dopo, con:
“Non ho il pezzo, nemmeno quelli dei vecchi Vaio che ho qui vanno bene, non riesco ad aggiustarlo”.
Esco e vado veloce verso Templemoore, dove tempo prima avevo visto un riparatore.
Entro, trovo un ragazzo indiano che guarda prova con un tester l’alimentatore poi guarda l’attacco al Vaio e sentenzia:
“L’attacco non è ben fermo. Apro il pc, lo fermo e dovrebbe essere tutto a posto”.
“Ok, quando me lo dai”, dico io.
“Fra un’oretta”, dice lui.
“Allora vado a fare la spesa, sto cercando una pentola per il sugo”.
“Ah, se al semaforo giri a destra, poi al prossimo a sinistra e vai sempre dritto, dopo un kilometro trovi un grosso tesco e lì hanno tutto. Per quando torni dovrebbe essere pronto, lasciamo il numero di cellulare che quando è pronto ti mando un sms”.
Vado, il Tesco è lì dove mi aveva detto, ci trovo una pentola, un po’ piccolina ma meglio che niente, e pasta italiana, pure il pesto.
Finisco la spesa, mi avvio al ritorno pensando di passare per il negozio e dire che si, ma anche domani va bene.
Ding! Il telefono riceve un sms: “Gentile cliente, bla, bla, passi dentro che è pronto”.
Passo dentro. Faz, il proprietario è lì che riconsegna un cellulare a un suo cliente con il quale è in confidenza.
“Era solo il connettore allentato, non ho cambiato nessun pezzo, facciamo 20 sterline e va bene”.
Iniziamo a parlare, tutti e tre, il cliente, nord irlandese mi spiega un po’ di idiosincrasie dell’accento di Belfast, si parla dell’Italia, della Francia, di macchine.
Nel frattempo Faz va nel retro e ci chiede se vogliamo del caffé o del té. Vada per quest’ultimo.
Doveva chiudere alle 19 perché, dice lui, apre la mattina verso le 10:30 tanto sono tutti al lavoro e chi ci va da lui a farsi riparare computer, telefoni e tv. E’ la sera, dopo il lavoro che vengono e, mi pare, non abbia tutti i torti, visto che io sono andato lì e a quell’ora molti dei suoi concorrenti sono chiusi da un pezzo.
Si chiacchera fino alle otto meno un quarto. Ops, si è fatto tardi, mannaggia, ho il mocio, la scopa, un secchio e una borsata di roba.
“Non ti preoccupare, ti porto io a casa, tanto ho la macchina”.
“Ma si, io senza macchina non potrei vivere, ma ti pare che debba mettermi ad aspettare l’autobus? Io a casa guidavo da quando avevo 12 anni!”.
Salutiamo il suo amico, mi carica in macchina insieme alle mie cose e mi lascia vicino casa salutandomi calorosamente e dicendo che si, si era goduto la chiacchierata e l’energia positiva che ne era scaturita.
Domani sono di nuovo da lui a portare il tablet, mentre ora sto scrivendo dal mio vecchio portatile, finalmente di nuovo fra le mie mani.
Non per fare pubblicità, ma se vi trovate a Belfast, passate da idevice ad Albertsbridge Road e fatevi offrire un té!
Critical, that’s a point you would not ever want to reach. Monitoring is all, or quite all, on recovering a situation before it becomes a problem.
When it becomes a problem, you must move quickly and solve the issue.
So, when you have a problem, we do not need a genius, we need flat, plain procedures which help you to undestand that
To help you to understand the severity of a problem, there’s a common practice: what is really critical to you business must be notified with a less used, probably more expensive channel. So, using sms adresses these needs. Reading and dealing with a SMS text message is far more unconfortable than working with emails, but reaches you in a more pervasive way than other channes. Sending emails is virtually free of costs, SMS costs. So, you use sms just to read important messages, your daddy who want’s to know where you are, the one you love who reminds you about buyng milk coming back home, your dear Nagios alerting you on a CRITICAL, really critical problem on you IT infrastructure.
So, let’s start with the sms server part. On the server you must be sure that gsmsend is always on, watching the right directory and with its hands (doh, does gsmsend has hands?) on the terminal connected to the sms modem (I used a Fastrack Supreme 10, serial, for this post).
If you issue a command like
ps ax | grep gsmsmsd
you should see something like:
/usr/bin/gsmsmsd -d /dev/ttyS0 -s /var/spool/sms/
How to reach this goal? Simple, let’s have a look to the root user crontab:
crontab -l root
And here’s what we can see:
* * * * * /usr/local/sbin/check_gsmsmsd
Using the following chart, it’s easy to undestand what we found in the crontab.
# * * * * * command to execute # │ │ │ │ │ # │ │ │ │ │ # │ │ │ │ └───── day of week (0 - 6) (0 to 6 are Sunday to Saturday, or use names; 7 is Sunday, the same as 0) # │ │ │ └────────── month (1 - 12) # │ │ └─────────────── day of month (1 - 31) # │ └──────────────────── hour (0 - 23) # └───────────────────────── min (0 - 59)
“Execute /usr/local/sbin/check_ gsmsmsd every minute”.
As you can undestand from its name, it is in charge of check if gsmsmsd is running and relaunch it if necessary.
cat /usr/local/sbin/check_gsmsmsd
And here’s its content:
#!/bin/sh if pidof gsmsmsd > /dev/null then logger gsmsmsd is running exit 0 else logger gsmsmsd is not running, restart forced rm -fr /var/spool/sms/* /usr/bin/sudo -u gsmsend /usr/bin/gsmsmsd -d /dev/ttyS0 -s /var/spool/sms/ & fi
Nothing special: the script checks wether the pid of gsmsmsd proces exists or not. If it exists, exit nicely logging that the daemon is running, else it logs that the daemon is not working, remove any contents from the sms spool directory and launches gsmsmsd as user gsmsend with the device on ttyS0 and the sms spool directory in /var/sms. Not the “&”, the process is being detached from the terminal.
Do we have the sms spool directory? Bet not, in this case, let’s create it:
mkdir -p /var/spool/sms/
Now, let’s be sure that the user the gmssend daemon belongs to is able to read and write on that directory:
chown gsmsend. /var/spool/sms/
We have no more to do on the sms server side. Time to go on Nagios server.
Here is the actual Nagios notification plugin. Use it as the notification plugin for you sms host and service contact.
Let’s give a look at the plugin:
#!/bin/bash # Few lines coded by Giorgio Zarrelli zarrelli@linux.it- # 2014. # This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with # ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed # and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General # Public Licence (see # http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.txt). CAT=$(which cat) TR=$(which tr) FOLD=$(which fold) HEAD=$(which head)
The first lines, start with the shabang and few command substitutions that will auto configure the script finding the right paths to the system utilities we are going to use.
The following line will create a (pseudo) random string. On the sms server we will have to create a file containing the actual sms message and number, and each file must have a unique file name to avoid “collisions”.
RANDOM_STRING=$($CAT /dev/urandom | $TR -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | $FOLD -w 32 | $HEAD -n 1)
/dev/urandom is character special device which gives access to the random numer generator of the kernel. With the string we wrote, we have a command substitution a bit more complex than usual:
Well, what the plugin does is to put a file on the sms server. Easy, that’s it, but we want to do it in a secure way and here is where ssh becomes handy: you will setup everything we need to let our plugin connect to the sms-server using ssh and without any user/password prompt.
How do you reach this goal?
First, keep in mind wich user will execute this script: it’s “nagios” user.
So you have to setup a way to let nagios user to connect to the sms-server as users gmssend, so it will be able to write in the spool.
To do the magic you must create an rsa private key and it’s public counterpart and the transfer the public key on the sms server. Then you reference the public key in the
of the gsmsend user and so, when you will connect the server will encrypt all the trafic with you public key of user nagios on the Nagios server and only this user will be able to decrypt it with the matching private key.
Now it’s time to create a new pair of keys for the user nagios, so let’s “su” to this user:
su - nagios
As user nagios, you can finally issue the keygen command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f key.to.connect.to.sms.server Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in key.to.connect.to.sms.server. Your public key has been saved in key.to.connect.to.sms.server.pub. The key fingerprint is: 7f:d7:6a:e2:bf:a0:38:11:7c:3f:46:38:c8:1b:4d:3a nagios@nagios-server The key's randomart image is: +---[RSA 4096]----+ | | | . | | o = . | | E = . | | S* + | | o. + . | | ...o.. .| | .. o.o.. | | .....++. | +-----------------+
Time to create a safe directory to store the keys in:
mkdir ~/.ssh chmod 700 ~/.ssh
And now let’s move the keys in:
mv key.to.connect.to.sms.server* .ssh/
Let’s restrict the permissions on the key files:
chmod 600 .ssh/key.to.connect.to.sms.server*
Let’s check the permissions on files and directories:
ls -lah .ssh/ totale 8,0K drwx------ 2 nagios nagios 80 apr 17 21:49 . drwxr-xr-x 3 nagios nagios 85 apr 17 21:39 .. -rw------- 1 nagios nagios 3,2K apr 17 21:34 key.to.connect.to.sms.server -rw------- 1 nagios nagios 741 apr 17 21:34 key.to.connect.to.sms.server.pub
Once you have the pair of key you can upload the public one to the sms-server using the ssh-copy-id utility with the following syntax:
ssh-copy-id -i public.key <username>@<host>
The username is the name of the user you will connect as to the sms-server, for this example is the gsmsend, since we want to write in its sms spool. The host is the sms-server and so:
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/key.to.connect.to.sms.server.pub gsmsend@sms-server The authenticity of host 'sms-server (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is d3:57:2c:e0:96:91:2e:7e:c2:ce:31:a0:ff:bf:06:79. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys gsmsend@sms-server's password: Number of key(s) added: 1
Now , try loggin onto the remote host using:
ssh gsmsend@sms-server
and check that only the key(s) you wanted were added.
Time to see if you can login without being prompted for a password:
ssh -i key.to.connect.to.sms.server gsmsend@sms-server The authenticity of host 'sms-server (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is d3:57:2c:e0:96:91:2e:7e:c2:ce:31:a0:ff:bf:06:79. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 'sms-server' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Last login: Fri Apr 17 22:11:29 2015 from nagios-server
Well, WOW, you are in and no password prompt seen in the meanwhile!
We can make things easier writing down some lines of configuration so that the ssh connection to the sms-server will act as we will.
Configure a ssh connection to a host for a user is a straightforward task: go to the user’s home directory, and check for the presence of a
directory, with the proper access rights: we already created it, so you should have it and with the proper access rights. If you don’t see it, look back in this post and you’ll find how to create.
Move inside the .ssh directory:
cd .ssh
There you’ll find the private and public keys we already created. Ignore them, now it’s time to edit a new file:
vi .config
Here you are going to write the following lines:
"Host sms-server" "AddressFamily inet" "ConnectionAttempts 10" "ForwardAgent no" "ForwardX11 no" "ForwardX11Trusted no" "GatewayPorts yes" "HostBasedAuthentication no" "HostKeyAlias sms-server" "HostName sms-server" "IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key.to.connect.to.sms.server" "PasswordAuthentication no" "Port 22" "Protocol 2" "ServerAliveCountMax 3" "ServerAliveInterval 15" "TCPKeepAlive no" "User gsmsend"
Let’s see what do they mean, line by line:
"Host sms-server"
As said in the manual
man ssh_config
The keyword host limits the scope of the following declarations. Take the word following Host as a label for a bunch of instructions and give it a proper name.
"AddressFamily inet"
That is for the “kind” of address we use to connect to the remote host. Any, inet to use ipv4 only or inet6 for ipv6.
"ConnectionAttempts 10"
Let’s say that after 10 tries we give up. One try per second. The default is 1.
"ForwardAgent no"
Do you want to forward to the remote host the connection to the autentication agent ? No, trust me, you do not want.
"ForwardX11 no"
We do not need, we do not use, better to switch it off. We do not want to have the X11 connections automatically redirected over the secure channel and DISPLAY set.
"ForwardX11Trusted no"
We do not want remote X11 clients to fiddle with data owned by trusted X11 clients.
"GatewayPorts yes"
We allow remote hosts to connect to local forwarded ports. Can be useful.
"HostBasedAuthentication no"
We do not need to try rhosts based authentication with public key authentication.
"HostKeyAlias sms-server"
Is just an alias to be used instead of the real host name when looking up or saving the host key in the host key database files. Useful when you have multiple servers running on the same host.
"HostName sms-server"
It should specify the real host name we want to log into. Well we use it to specify an alias for the host we want to connect to. Write what makes it easy for you to remember the host you want to connect to.
"IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key.to.connect.to.sms.server"
Easy to guess, here we point to the file containing the identity we will use to autenticate to the remote host.
"PasswordAuthentication no"
We are using an identity file to authenticate so let’s make sure we do not fiddle with passwords.
"Port 22"
Here we define wich remote port to connect to. The port 22 is the standard for the ssh service but if you want to make more difficult a brute force attack from automated penetration tools, change the port on the remote host and write here the new value.
"Protocol 2"
Really? You would use the old protocol version 1? Not at all!
"ServerAliveCountMax 3"
It sets the number of max retry sending server alive messages and not receiving an answer from the remote host. Let’s take it as a timeout counter. If the host doesn’t answer to the server alive messages for 3 times, the ssh session will be disconnected.
"ServerAliveInterval 15"
This keyword sets the interval in seconds after wich if no data is received from the remote server ssh will send a server alive message through the ssh encrypted channel.
"TCPKeepAlive no"
TCP keepalive are not sent through a secure channel and so they are spoofable. Better not to use it.
"User gsmsend"
This is the user on the remote host we are logging as.
At the end of the script you’ll find the string that actual do the dirty job.
That’s it. We won’t look at the rest of the code, it’s quite simple and should give us no problems.
Just have a look to a handy variable definition:
When the variable is defined with a
means that if you do not pass any value, the variable defaults to
call it a fallback value.
Here you find the actual script:
#!/bin/bash # Few lines coded by Giorgio Zarrelli zarrelli@linux.it- # 2014. # This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with # ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed # and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General # Public Licence (see # http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.txt). CAT=$(which cat) TR=$(which tr) FOLD=$(which fold) HEAD=$(which head) RANDOM_STRING=$($CAT /dev/urandom | $TR -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | $FOLD -w 32 | $HEAD -n 1) SMS_SPOOL_DIR="/var/spool/sms" ECHO=$(which echo) SSH=$(which ssh) SMS_SERVER=${SMS_SERVER:="change.me"} MOBILE_NUMBER=${MOBILE_NUMBER:="+1234567890"} NOTIFICATION_TEXT=${NOTIFICATION_TEXT:="CHANGE ME"} print_license() { $ECHO "" $ECHO "This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY" $ECHO "NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under" $ECHO "the terms of the GNU General Public Licence (see" $ECHO "http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.txt)." $ECHO "" exit 0 } print_help() { $ECHO "" $ECHO "This plugins allows you to send sms notifications using a remote gsmsend server." $ECHO "" $ECHO "It requires three parameters:" $ECHO -e "\n" $ECHO " -s name of the sms server it must be the same name you wrote in config file in .ssh dir of the nagios user" $ECHO -e "\n" $ECHO " -n +xxxxxxx is the mobile number of the of the contact receiving the notification" $ECHO -e "\n" $ECHO " -t 'Message' is the message to send." $ECHO "" $ECHO "" $ECHO "Other parameters:" $ECHO -e "\n" $ECHO "-l Prints the license of this program" $ECHO -e "\n" $ECHO "-c Prints a .ssh/config example" $ECHO "" exit 0 } print_ssh_config() { $ECHO "" $ECHO "Host sms-server" $ECHO "AddressFamily inet" $ECHO "ConnectionAttempts 10" $ECHO "ForwardAgent no" $ECHO "ForwardX11 no" $ECHO "ForwardX11Trusted no" $ECHO "GatewayPorts yes" $ECHO "HostBasedAuthentication no" $ECHO "HostKeyAlias sms-server" $ECHO "HostName xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" $ECHO "IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my.private.key.to.gsmsend.server.key" $ECHO "PasswordAuthentication no" $ECHO "Port 22" $ECHO "Protocol 2" $ECHO "ServerAliveCountMax 3" $ECHO "ServerAliveInterval 15" $ECHO "TCPKeepAlive no" $ECHO "User gsmsend" $ECHO "" } # Check wheter the script has at least one argument. if [ $# -lt 1 ] then print_help exit $STATE_UNKNOWN fi case "$1" in -h | --help) print_help exit $STATE_OK ;; -l | --license) print_license exit $STATE_UNKNOWN ;; -c | --config) print_ssh_config; exit $STATE_UNKNOWN ;; -n | --number) shift MOBILE_NUMBER=$1 ;; -t | --text) shift NOTIFICATION_TEXT=$1 ;; -s | --server) shift SMS_SERVER=$1 ;; *) $ECHO "Unknown argument: $1" print_help exit $STATE_UNKNOWN ;; esac shift done $SSH SMS_SERVER "echo -e "$MOBILE_NUMBER\"\\n\"$NOTIFICATION_TEXT" > $SMS_SPOOL_DIR/$RANDOM_STRING"
Now we have all the bits we require to send some notifications using SMS, what we need now is to glue all together in Nagios.
We need to:
Let’s say we call the new script
Copy it on the Nagios plugin directory server, make nagios user its owner
chown nagios. send_sms.sh
and make it executable by Nagios, restricting a bit the rights on it:
chmod 550 send_sms.sh
Now we create two different notify command, one for hosts notifications and another for services notifications:
define command { command_name notify-host-by-sms command_line $USER1$/send_sms.sh -n '$CONTACTPAGER$' -t "'$HOSTNAME$' '$HOSTSTATE$' '$DATE$' '$TIME$'" register 1 } define command { command_name notify-service-by-sms command_line $USER1$/send_sms.sh -n '$CONTACTPAGER$' -t "'$HOSTNAME$' '$SERVICEDESC$' '$SERVICESTATE$' '$SERVICEOUTPUT$' '$DATE$' '$TIME$'" register 1 }
Notice that
points to the Nagios plugins directory and is defined in the file
All the other variables are passed to the script by Nagios. If you want more informations on Nagios macros, follow this link
Now it’s time to create a contact which will use the new command
define contact { contact_name oncall-sms alias SMS notifications to on call mobile host_notifications_enabled 1 service_notifications_enabled 1 host_notification_period 24x7 service_notification_period 24x7 host_notification_options d,u,r,f,s service_notification_options w,u,c,r,f,s host_notification_commands notify-host-by-sms service_notification_commands notify-service-by-sms can_submit_commands 1 retain_status_information 0 retain_nonstatus_information 1 pager +XXXXXXXXXXXX register 1 }
Just put after
the mobile number to send SMS notifications to.
Let’s attach the SMS notification to a service
define service { service_description On call service host_name my_host check_command my_command is_volatile 0 max_check_attempts 3 check_interval 5 retry_interval 1 active_checks_enabled 1 passive_checks_enabled 1 check_period 24x7 parallelize_check 1 obsess_over_service 1 check_freshness 0 event_handler_enabled 1 flap_detection_enabled 1 process_perf_data 1 retain_status_information 1 retain_nonstatus_information 1 notification_interval 1440 notification_period 24x7 notification_options w,u,c,r notifications_enabled 1 contacts oncall-sms failure_prediction_enabled 1 register 1 }
Now, let’s do the same for the host:
define host { host_my_host check_command check-host-alive max_check_attempts 4 check_interval 5 retry_interval 1 passive_checks_enabled 1 check_period 24x7 check_freshness 1 freshness_threshold 0 event_handler_enabled 1 flap_detection_enabled 1 process_perf_data 1 retain_status_information 1 retain_nonstatus_information 1 contacts oncall-sms notification_interval 1440 notification_period 24x7 notification_options d,u,r,f,s notifications_enabled 1 failure_prediction_enabled 1 register 1 }
Keep in mind that these are just examples: modify your Nagios objects accordingly.
Final step, check that the modified configuration is not broken
nagios -v /path/to/nagios/main/config/file/nagios.cfg
If it’s all ok, reload Nagios and try to get a CRITICAL notification on a fake service or host witch uses oncall-sms as contact. Don’t you have it? Create a fake just for testing and if you do not see any errors and everything is working fine, attach the new contact to your most valuable host and services.
The various services being used by a process are gathered together into the process’s name space, a single rooted hierarchy of file names.
This is the last plugin I coded for F5 BigIP. As usual, I just found this old Nagios plugin of mine, sitting in a directory, taking dust.
As usual, I’m not a programmer, so I just do quick and dirty tricks to get what I need, so here it is the plugin in all it’s bash glory.
The plugin is commented, although in Italian, but google can translate the comments.
I wrote this plugins some years ago, it works using SNMP as protocol and with the standard (at those times) OID for BigIP. If they’ve not changed, it should work with no efforts. It’s based on v3 of SNMP protocol and the auth and priv are “hardcoded”, so you may want to change them.
Have fun.
#!/bin/sh # License: GPL # # Author: Giorgio Zarrelli <zarrelli@linux.it> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # SNMP_GET=$(which snmpget) SED=$(which sed) BC=$(which bc) ECHO=$(which echo) # Nagios return codes STATE_OK=0 STATE_WARNING=1 STATE_CRITICAL=2 STATE_UNKNOWN=3 WARNING_THRESHOLD=${WARNING_THRESHOLD:="50"} CRITICAL_THRESHOLD=${CRITICAL_THRESHOLD:="80"} HOST=${HOST:="change me"} LOGIN=${LOGIN:="change me"} PASSWORD=${PASSWORD:="change me"} # Indico l'OID dei dati che voglio reperire TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY="." TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY="." USED_HOST_MEMORY="." USED_TMM_MEMORY="." print_help() { echo "" echo "Questo plugin consente di monitorare la banda occupata " echo "su una interfaccia di rete per gli F5. -w per la percentuale di warning, -c per la critica," echo " -H per l'host name o l'host address del server da controllare, -l per la login, -p per la password." echo "" exit 0 } # Parse parameters while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -h | --help) print_help exit ${STATE_OK} ;; -H | --hostname) shift HOST=$1 ;; -w | --warning) shift WARNING_THRESHOLD=$1 ;; -c | --critical) shift CRITICAL_THRESHOLD=$1 ;; -l | --login) shift LOGIN=$1 ;; -p | --password) shift PASSWORD=$1 ;; -i | --interface) shift INTERFACE=$1 ;; *) echo "Unknown argument: $1" print_help exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN} ;; esac shift done if [ -n "${SNMP_GET}" ] ; then # Se la variabile SNMP_GET contiene almeno un carattere, controllo che il suo contenuto punti # al percorso dell'eseguibile echo if [ -f "${SNMP_GET}" ] ; then # Se il contenuto di SNMP_GET punta al file binario snmpget # allora non faccio nulla : else # Se non presente il file echo, non posso stampare a video alcunche'. # Allora esco silenziosamente dal programma ${ECHO} "La variabile SNMP_GET e' istanziata ma non punta a un file preciso" exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN} # Chiudo la struttura di controllo sul puntamento a file del contenuto della variabile SNMP_GET fi else # Se il contenuto di SNMP_GET risulta vuoto, non e' presente il file echo # e quindi non posso stampare a video dei messaggi ed esco silenziosamente ${ECHO} "La variabile SNMP_GET non risulta istanziata" exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN} # Chiudo la struttura di controllo relativa all'istanziazione della variabile SNMP_GET (contenuto non vuoto) fi if [ -n "${BC}" ] ; then # Se la variabile BC contiene almeno un carattere, controllo che il suo contenuto punti # al percorso dell'eseguibile echo if [ -f "${BC}" ] ; then # Se il contenuto di BC punta al file binario snmpget # allora non faccio nulla : else # Se non presente il file echo, non posso stampare a video alcunche'. # Allora esco silenziosamente dal programma ${ECHO} "La variabile BC e' istanziata ma non punta a un file preciso" exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN} # Chiudo la struttura di controllo sul puntamento a file del contenuto della variabile BC fi else # Se il contenuto di BC risulta vuoto, non e' presente il file echo # e quindi non posso stampare a video dei messaggi ed esco silenziosamente ${ECHO} "La variabile BC non risulta istanziata" exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN} # Chiudo la struttura di controllo relativa all'istanziazione della variabile BC (contenuto non vuoto) fi controlla_limiti () { if (( $(echo "scale=2; ${WARNING_THRESHOLD} >= ${CRITICAL_THRESHOLD}" | bc ) )) ; then echo "Il valore di WARNING (${WARNING_THRESHOLD}) deve essere minore rispetto a quello di CRITICAL (${CRITICAL_THRESHOLD})" exit 1 else : fi } aggiorna () { if ! POLL=`/usr/bin/snmpget -Oqvt -t 1 -r 5 -m '' -v 3 -l authPriv -a MD5 -u ${LOGIN} -A ${PASSWORD} -x DES -X ${PASSWORD} ${HOST}:161 ${TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY} ${TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY} ${USED_HOST_MEMORY} ${USED_TMM_MEMORY}` then exit ${STATE_CRITICAL} fi CONVERT_POLL=$( echo $POLL | awk 'BEGIN{ FS=" " } { print $1 "\n" $2 "\n" $3 "\n" $4}' ) ARRAY_POLL=($CONVERT_POLL) TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY_POLL=$((${ARRAY_POLL[0]} / 1000000)) TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY_POLL=$((${ARRAY_POLL[1]} / 1000000)) USED_HOST_MEMORY_POLL=$((${ARRAY_POLL[2]} / 1000000)) USED_TMM_MEMORY_POLL=$((${ARRAY_POLL[3]} / 1000000)) HOST_MEMORY_PERCENTUALE=$(echo "scale=2; (${USED_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} * 100) / (${TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY_POLL})" | bc) USED_MEMORY_PERCENTUALE=$(echo "scale=2; (${USED_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} * 100) / (${TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY_POLL})" | bc) if (( $(echo "scale=6; ${HOST_MEMORY_PERCENTUALE} >= ${WARNING_THRESHOLD}" | bc ) )) && (( $(echo "scale=2; ${HOST_MEMORY_PERCENTUALE} < ${CRITICAL_THRESHOLD}" | bc ) )) ; then echo "MEMORIA BIGIP WARNING - THM=${TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UHM=${USED_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;TMM=${TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UTM=${USED_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB | THM=${TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UHM=${USED_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;TMM=${TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UTM=${USED_TMM_MEMORY_POLL}MB" exit ${STATE_WARNING} elif (( $(echo "scale=6; ${HOST_MEMORY_PERCENTUALE} >= ${CRITICAL_THRESHOLD}" | bc ) )) ; then echo "MEMORIA BIGIP CRITICAL - THM=${TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UHM=${USED_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;TMM=${TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UTM=${USED_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB | THM=${TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UHM=${USED_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;TMM=${TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UTM=${USED_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB" exit ${STATE_CRITICAL} elif (( $(echo "scale=2; ${USED_MEMORY_PERCENTUALE} >= ${WARNING_THRESHOLD}" | bc ) )) && (( $(echo "scale=2; ${USED_MEMORY_PERCENTUALE} < ${CRITICAL_THRESHOLD}" | bc ) )) ; then echo "MEMORIA BIGIP WARNING - THM=${TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UHM=${USED_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;TMM=${TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UTM=${USED_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB | THM=${TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UHM=${USED_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;TMM=${TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UTM=${USED_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB" exit ${STATE_WARNING} elif (( $(echo "scale=6; ${USED_MEMORY_PERCENTUALE} >= ${CRITICAL_THRESHOLD}" | bc ) )) ; then echo "MEMORIA BIGIP CRITICAL - THM=${TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UHM=${USED_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;TMM=${TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UTM=${USED_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB | THM=${TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UHM=${USED_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;TMM=${TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UTM=${USED_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB" exit ${STATE_CRITICAL} else echo "MEMORIA BIGIP OK - THM=${TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UHM=${USED_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;TMM=${TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UTM=${USED_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB | THM=${TOTAL_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UHM=${USED_HOST_MEMORY_POLL} MB;TMM=${TOTAL_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB;UTM=${USED_TMM_MEMORY_POLL} MB" exit ${STATE_OK} fi } controlla_limiti aggiorna